“This is your time to stand out from the crowd”

This Is How We Can Help You

We are a Platform where Aviation Professionals can find Coaches ready to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

Our Approach

We know that you are facing one of the toughest moments in your career.
We are aware of the increased difficulties and uncertainties, and this is why we are giving you the possibility to find a Coach that has a background in Aviation that knows how you are feeling and what you are going through.
Future Pilots, Airline Pilots, Flight Attendants, Employees and Managers need to Cope with Increased Job Difficulties. Coaching and Personal Development are Perfect to Change and Improve your Life. We have real Airline Pilots and highly qualified managers to assist you in your journey.

Aviation Career Specialist

The Flight Crew Ready team of aviation professionals provides assistance to those seeking careers related to the airline industry. The Aviation Career Specialists partner with leaders in the industry. Our team includes coaches such as Masters Graduates in Aviation Management, Airline Pilots, Instructors and Safety and Accident Investigators who understand what the Airline selection panels are looking for. Our aim is to provide you with the best options for your career aspirations. This team is well-versed in the current market and regulations and will guide you throughout your journey from job search to interview and beyond. By tapping into these resources, aspiring aviation professionals gain access to invaluable insights into their field and unique opportunities never before available.

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with us


Melbourne, VIC, Australia 3000
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